May Update!

Added on by Devin McNulty.


May 1, 2012
Today marks the two year anniversary of Human Resources' first official event, a May Day celebration at our former space on Bernard Street. Although so much has happened since then, it seems like just yesterday that Kathleen Kim wrote our institutional love letter; Corey Fogel performed Justin Timberlake's Dead and Gone solo on drum set and glockenspiel for 25 minutes and we all ended up singing along; My Barbarian burned cedar to cleanse the space; and Fritz Haeg introduced Working Artists and the Greater Economy (W.A.G.E.) with a letter written by Hollis Frampton to MoMA in 1973...

Since then, we have continued to vacillate between the popular and the obscure, the scholarly and the salacious, and to hold ourselves out as an institution while operating as the most informal cooperative. We told ourselves that it was only worth doing if we loved doing it. Along the way, we became a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and moved into the great hall on Cottage Home Street.

Thanks to all of the friends, artists, volunteers and participants that have helped Human Resourcesto find a home within the Los Angeles arts community.

On this occasion, we are very pleased to announce the addition of four new directing members toHuman Resources: Grant Capes, Jennifer Doyle, Chiara Giovando, and Catherine Taft.  Working alongside founding members Dawn Kasper, Eric Kim, Kathleen Kim, Devin McNulty, and Giles Miller, these additional members will bring new ideas, new networks, and new energy to the collective. With a core group of nine directing members, reflecting a broad range of interests and experience, Human Resources will more effectively organize its programming efforts, revisit its commitment to documentation and archiving, and continue to explore how an arts organization might most effectively serve … you.

About the new members:

Grant Capes works in post production for film and television, as well as live sound for performances. He formerly co-ran the Echo Park Art Gallery and Curiosity Shop (aka Echo Curio).

Jennifer Doyle is a Professor of English at UC Riverside. She works in performance and gender studies, and is the author of Sex Objects: Art and the Dialectics of Desire and the forthcoming Hold It Against Me: Difficulty and Emotion in Contemporary Art. 

Chiara Giovando is an artist and curator. She has produced film and performance works for REDCAT Gallery, Tate Modern and the Whitney Museum. She was co-director of Hi Zero Festival of experimental music from 2005 – 2008 and part of the founding of Tarantula Hill in Baltimore MD.  She has records out on Ehse Records, Holy Mountain and Ecstatic Peace.  She performs her music both solo and in Duo with Daniel Higgs and Jenny Graf (Metalux). Her two short films, Proud Flesh and Archaic Smile have screened both nationally and internationally.

Catherine Taft is a critic, curator, and project specialist at the Getty Research Institute. Her writing appears regularly in publications including Artforum, ArtReview, Modern Painters, Metropolis-M, Mousse, and in exhibition catalogs in the U.S. and abroad. She is co-editor of the forthcoming book Double Issue: A Document of the Pacific Standard Time Performance and Public Art Festival (Fall 2012).

As part of our new structure, Human Resources will develop a new process for accepting, reviewing, and approving proposals for events and installations. Going forward, Human Resources will only consider proposals for installations that have been sponsored by a directing member.  If approved, that directing member will serve as a stakeholder during the life of the installation, acting as a bridge between the artists involved in the installation and the overall commitments and mission at Human Resources.  The same with events of all kinds—we encourage you to contact one of Human Resources’ directing members.

We look forward to many exciting developments as our new directing members continue to make their mark on our community and on HR.

About Human Resources:
Human Resources was founded by a team of creative individuals who seek to broaden engagement with contemporary and conceptual art, with an emphasis on performative and underexposed modes of expression. Human Resources is not-for-profit and seeks to foster widespread public appreciation of the performative arts by encouraging maximum community access. Human Resources also serves as a point of convergence for diverse and disparate art communities to engage in conversation and idea-sharing promoting the sustainability of non-traditional art forms.

Contact HR at:  
410 Cottage Home St.
Los Angeles, CA 90012